About the Journal


IJACS is a bimonthly journal offering an opportunity for researchers in the field of Computer Science, Computer engineering, software engineering, Information Technology, Computer security and Information systems to publish their research work in a high quality refereed international journal. Papers with high degree of originality from any part of the world are welcome. 


IJACS is an open access scholarly journal with free access of scientific papers that are available online to the readers. Research papers from such journals are read and cited without any financial, legal, or technical barriers. The authors of published research paper retain copyright of their original work allowing only free access to open world.


Each article is reviewed by two reviewers, the details of the authors are hidden from the reviewer. the decision on whether the publication is to be published or not is based on the unanimous decision of the reviewers where the manuscript can be rejected, accepted with changes or Accepted

Publication Fee

Online only $100

Online and Print version $150